WCMA Unveils Agenda for CheeseExpo 2020
The Wisconsin Cheese Makers Association (WCMA), in conjunction with the Center for Dairy Research (CDR), announced the industry experts leading CheeseExpo 2020 seminars focused on sustainability, cheese quality, safety, milk policy, and marketing. Full details and registration are available now at CheeseExpo.org.
“The reputation of CheeseExpo is grounded in its technical programming, offering educational opportunities to everyone in the industry,” said John Umhoefer, WCMA Executive Director. “We’ll have timely information for industry leaders and marketers, safety professionals and cheesemakers.”
The CheeseExpo Agenda
CheeseExpo, which runs April 14-16, will be host to a slate of seminars beginning Wednesday, April 15 with the RELCO Opening Keynote Panel: A Long-Range Vision for Dairy. Professor Marin Bozic, Ph.D. Agricultural Economics of the University of Minnesota will moderate a discussion between high-powered visionaries including Secretary Tom Vilsack, President, and CEO of the U.S. Dairy Export Council, Ryan Pandya, CEO of Perfect Day and one of the nation’s leading dairy producers.
Also on Wednesday, April 15, attendees can join in one of four seminar tracks:
Milk Policy, Pricing, and Procurement in a Changing Dairy Environment
Moderated by Prof. Marin Bozic, Ph.D. Agricultural Economics of the University of Minnesota. Panelists include: Sue Taylor, VP Dairy Economics & Policy, Leprino Foods Company; Prof. Mark Stephenson, Ph.D., Directory of Dairy Policy Analysis at UW-Madison; Bill Schiek, Ph.D., Executive Director, Dairy Institute of California; James De Jong, Dairy Economics & Risk, Glanbia Nutritionals; and Jason Mischel, VP Sales & Procurement; Valley Queen Cheese Factory
After the Make: The Role of Brines and Curing in Quality Cheesemaking
Presenters include: Kathy Glass, Associate Director of the Food Research Institute; Dean Sommer, Cheese & Food Technologist, Center for Dairy Research; Janice Johnson, Technical Service Advisor, Cargill Salt; John Jaeggi, Cheese Industry & Applications Coordinator, Center for Dairy Research; Steve Krause, Cheese Consultant; and Sandy Toney, Director Quality Assurance, Masters Gallery Foods
Dairy Sustainability in the Brave New World
Presenters include: Lisa Watson, Innovation Center for US Dairy and The Hartman Group
New Tools for Marketing Specialty Cheese and Dairy Ingredients Worldwide
Hosted by: U.S. Dairy Export Council and Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection (DATCP)
On Thursday, April 16, attendees can attend one of six seminar tracks:
Water Reuse, Recycling, and Conservation in Dairy Plants
Presenters include: Tim Anderson, Dairy Section Chief, Division of Food and Recreational Safety, DATCP; Pat Cardiff, Senior Environmental Manager, Grande Cheese Company; Brett Robison, Strategic Business Leader; and Kody Phillis, Industry Consultant, Food & Beverage, U.S. Water; and Jeff VanVoorhis, VP Symbiont
Artisan Track: Creating the Ideal Condition for Affinage
Presenters include: Eric Meredith, Fromaginary; and Andy Johnson, Outreach Specialist, Center for Dairy Research
WCMA Dairy Products Grading Clinic
Lead by expert graders and contest judges
Dairy Manufacturer Panels: How We Made the World Our Customer
Hosted by U.S. Dairy Export Council and DATCP
Where Efficiency Meets Excellence: Maintaining Quality in Modern Manufacture
Presenters include: Mark Johnson, Ph.D., Distinguished Scientist, Center for Dairy Research; John Jaeggi, Cheese Industry & Applications Coordinator, Center for Dairy Research; Dean Sommer, Cheese & Food Technologist, Center for Dairy Research; Marianne Smukowski, Dairy Safety & Quality Coordinator; and Mike Molitor, Process Pilot Plant Manager
New Findings and Guidance for Pathogen Control
Presenters include: Tim Stubbs, Innovation Center for US Dairy; Chad Galer, Innovation Center for US Dairy; Dr. Kathy Glass, UW Food Research Institute; Larry Bell, Consultant; Jim Mueller, Consultant; and Vickie Lewandowski, Saputo USA
“Nowhere else in the world will you find the business insight, showcase of cutting-edge equipment and services and networking opportunities offered at CheeseExpo 2020,” said Judy Keller, WCMA Events Director. “Make plans now to join us and 4,000 of your colleagues in the industry.”