WCMA Hosts 2021 World Championship Cheese Contest
The Wisconsin Cheese Makers Association (WCMA) today announced an exciting break with tradition as it plans to host the World Championship Cheese Contest in February 2021.
This competition, the world’s largest technical evaluation of cheeses, butter, yogurt, and dairy ingredients from around the world, set a new record for participation in March 2020. Its paired event, CheeseExpo, was postponed in April 2020 and WCMA is bringing both events back in 2021.
Health & Safety
“Our utmost concern is the health and safety of our industry, so we have moved CheeseExpo to April 2021 and plan to host again its natural partner, the World Championship Cheese Contest, a few weeks ahead of this international trade exposition,” said John Umhoefer, WCMA Executive Director.
The World Championship Cheese Contest will be held on February 17-19, 2021 at the Wisconsin Center in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. The Contest’s crowning reception, Cheese Champion, will be held on the evening of Friday, February 19 at the Italian Community Center in Milwaukee. Complete entry details will be available on August 18 at WorldChampionCheese.org, followed by online entry opening October 14.
CheeseExpo will be held April 6-8, 2021, also at the Wisconsin Center in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
“CheeseExpo draws more than 4,000 dairy processing industry professionals from all over the world to Wisconsin for educational seminars, interactive displays of equipment, unparalleled networking opportunities, and a jubilant salute to the world’s best cheesemakers,” said Judy Keller, WCMA Events Director. “We are thrilled to be able to keep these events – and the people who join in them – connected.”
WCMA plans to hold the U.S. Championship Cheese Contest and the nationally focused Cheese Industry Conference again in 2022.
Learn more at WorldChampionCheese.org and CheeseExpo.org.
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