Statement from IDFA President
WASHINGTON—Michael Dykes, D.V.M., President and CEO of the International Dairy Foods Association, on December 3rd, released the following statement to congratulate Congressman David Scott on his election to serve as Chairman of the House Agriculture Committee:
“The International Dairy Foods Association (IDFA) congratulates Congressman David Scott on his election as Chairman of the House Agriculture Committee. Given his longstanding leadership on issues important to our industry—including co-creating the current safety net for dairy farmers in the 2014 Farm Bill—we look forward to continuing to work with Chairman Scott and other members of the Committee in a bipartisan fashion to ensure that our nation’s nutrition programs are designed to encourage consumption of healthy and nutritious dairy products. Only one in ten Americans consumes the three servings of dairy a day recommended by the U.S. Dietary Guidelines, so there is much work that we can do together to make sure all Americans are getting the unique nutritional benefits that dairy provides. Specifically, we appreciate Chairman Scott’s support for a pilot program that was included in the 2018 Farm Bill that is looking at innovative ways to encourage SNAP beneficiaries to consume more milk, helping to support a healthy lifestyle and reduce the risk of disease. He has also cosponsored bipartisan legislation that will ensure school children continue to have access to milk that is both nutritious and tastes good. IDFA and its members look forward to working with Chairman Scott and other members of the House Agriculture Committee to advance policy initiatives that will foster the continued growth of the U.S. dairy industry and will improve health and access to nutrition for all Americans.”
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Source: IDFA